From Peace Corps to Podiatry by Elizabeth Oh

Studying never ends. It certainly doesn't end in medical school. Many pre-medical students usually opt for a gap year to ground themselves of life beyond the books. I chose to take two years off and spent one of those years in Lambayeque, Peru learning about public health issues, the beautiful language of Spanish, and most importantly, a culture beyond my exposure and understanding. 

The call to being a volunteer takes a lot of courage, independence, and investment but the rewards are immeasurable once you've leave behind the comforts of America. One of the major benefits that I found with being part of the Peace Corps was understanding the power of government, the need for creative outlets, and the impact of connection. In the clinic, these skills are not only desired, but at times they are required. 


If anyone is considering the Peace Corps before Podiatry school

I would recommend going to a country where the primary language may be of some use in the clinical setting. 

·      Growing up in Southern California where most of the surrounding regions are Latino Americans, I was assigned Peru. 

I would recommend letting my friends and family know and understand that communication and expectations are met

·      Personally, a goal of mine was to live like those around me in a financial sense so I would understand the needs of my neighbors. So I told my friends and family to refrain from sending me "first world" items that would most likely be stolen in customs and inhibit me from really experiencing what it is like to live in a developing country with limited resources available. 

I would recommend applying early

·      Since my application process (lasted 8 months), there has been rumors that the process is much quicker and streamlined but I would always recommend to plan ahead about a year. Depending on the country, the dates of service begin differently.

·      A good phrase to keep in mind with any decisions in life is "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail" - John Wooden

Lastly, I would recommend just having fun and learning to entertain your mind and spirit with no internet, no videogames, and no instant commodities available. 


Other tips regarding weather, what sector work is available, and what to pack are usually handled on a case to case basis and utilizing social media has been the best resource to utilize as there are meet ups available and avenues of communication open with the people who are currently serving. 

peac corps.png

Chart of Peace Corps sectors provided by the Peace Corps website

Link to a project I initiated in my community with local youth